
AFI ’17 Crimes’ – The Song of the Week for 9/9/2013

Released August 6, 2013 via Republic Records, “17 Crimes” is the official 2nd single from Burials, the 9th studio album by AFI

Genre: Alternative Rock, Post-Hardcore

If you have stopped by Music Trajectory before – or you are a common visitor – you probably know that AFI is an Endorsed Band here on the site. A little bit of preferential treatment, yes indeed. “17 Crimes” is a perfect Song of the Week selection because it is much more accessible and catchy than its predecessor single “I Hope You Suffer” which was released back in late July. In an official statement about the album lead singer Davey Havok said “this record is of silence, of burials, and the burials that result from that silence. It’s of betrayal, cruelty, weakness, anxiety, panic – deep and slow – despair, injury and loss. And in this it is shamefully honest and resolutely unforgiving.” When you look closely at the lyrics for “17 Crimes” and really get a sense of the song, this makes perfect sense. Quite the first two single releases, AFI! What will you hit us with next?

What do you think of the first two releases from the new album Burials so far? What can we expect from the album? Sound off in the comments section below or tweet me @MusicTrajectory

“If you had a day,
would you give me a moment?
Would you allow our play
to leave no bone unbroken?

Let’s love, like 17
I’m in love with poisoning.
Only bring your pretty, frightful gifts to me.
Let’s love, and kill like 17 now.”

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